Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I had a conversation with the creator of the universe

I had a conversation with the creator of the universe this morning.

Well, a conversation is sort of an understatement.

Do you remember being a kid and you'd wake up and your entire body would be in this ridiculous amount of pain. And you'd cry or whine to your parents about it. And they'd look down on you and smile and say “Aw...it's just growing pains...your growing up”

And you'd look back at them, with every ounce of your body in pain and go

WTF! (only not really because if a five year old dropped the “F” bomb they would end up being in even more pain.)

Yea...that's what the conversation when down like. Only instead of the patronizing “Awww it's just growing pains” from the creator of the universe. It was more a smirk with one eyebrow raised saying
“Really...really now... how are you not getting this?”

And then I'd whine some more.

Which is really childish if you think about it.

Whining to the creator of the universe.

I did eventually got the point, learned the lesson, accepted the plan, whatever you want to call it.

It still sucks.

But when I had those growing pains as a kid, I got over it.

And hey would you look at that, I'm not five anymore.

"How great and awesome is he"

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